May, ambitious law school student in Taipei City, gets a phone call from a hospital in New York City saying that her sister is in critical condition. Unwilling to involve her distanced mother, May flies to New York on her own and finds out that her sister is in a coma and just had a premature baby. After getting in touch with her sister’s previous roommate and boyfriend, May slowly realizes that her sister has an entire life that she doesn’t know about.

在台北就讀法學院的學生陳玫突然接到姊姊病危的電話。她隻身飛往紐約,卻發現姊姊昏迷不醒且剛產下一名早產兒。 在與姊姊的前室友和前男友取得聯繫後,陳玫慢慢發現姊姊在紐約不為人知的生活,可能讓整個家庭走向分裂。


I have been developing the script for more than three years. This story is based on my personal experience of growing up in Asia and moving to America. And of course, the tiger mom character in the script is influenced by my own mother! Like a lot of Asian people, I have such complicated feelings and relationships with my conventional parents. I believe this tension between generations can be seen as a conflict between Eastern and Western cultures.

Why Eastern and Western cultures? I was born and raised in Taipei City. Kids born in the 90s are the generation who grew up with a lot of American culture. I listened to American music; I watched American movies and TV shows. It wasn’t until I moved to New York and witnessed so many different kinds of immigrants moving to America every day that I started to question the deeper reasons behind it. Could there be a political and social power struggle behind it?

And I wondered, growing up in a mixed, Americanized culture, what kind of person does that make me? What are we searching for in America? What is the American dream in our generation? What is the price for American dreams? This story is dedicated to those who struggle between different cultural values.

『Miss Mermaid人魚小姐』是我撰寫多年的長片劇本。這個故事中許多環節是取材自我個人的生命經歷,包括在台北長大、以及搬到美國讀書。而劇本中虎媽的角色也是根據我媽改編寫出來的。 和很多亞洲人一樣,我和我傳統的父母有著複雜的感情和關係。 我認為這種時代衝突,亦可看成東西方文化差異。

為什麼是東西方文化呢? 我是90後在台北出生的小孩,是在大量美國文化中長大的一代。 我聽美國音樂、看美國電影電視。當時沒有感覺,直到後來我搬到紐約,目睹這裡有有那麼多各式各樣的移民,我才開始質疑這背後是否有更深層的脈絡,並意識到這背後存在著政治和社會權力的不對等。

我不禁思考,美國化文化是如何影響我的身份認同? 我們到底在美國追尋什麼? 我們這一代人的美國夢是什麼? 美國夢的代價又是什麼?這個故事獻給所有在不同文化價值之間拉扯的人們。


I portray the conflicted and oppressive mother-daughter relationship in my short, JADE. I shot it in 2022 with the same Director of Photography (Charlie Desjardin) as a proof of concept for MISS MERMAID. It was a great process for me and my team to figure out the best ways to tell this story.

我在我的短片《JADE》中描繪了壓抑的母女衝突關係。它是《MISS MERMAID人魚小姐》的前導短片。我在2022年與同一位攝影指導(Charlie Desjardin)合作,拍攝了這部短片。拍攝過程中我們研究出了最好詮釋《MISS MERMAID人魚小姐》的手法。


WRITER, DIRECTOR 編劇、導演 | Peggy Tserwen Tseng 曾則雯

Peggy Tserwen Tseng is a Taiwanese filmmaker in New York City. She is now pursuing her master degree in Film at Stony Brook University (Killer Films).

Her work delves into the identity struggle between Eastern and Western cultures and the exploration of cultural and gender issues shared across generations.

Her team won the 1st place in 2019-20 SUNY PACC Prize for Performing Arts, Creation, and Curation in 2019 with a 10K grant. She also won the 2nd place in National Taiwan University Short Film Competition with her short “Humanoid”.

台灣人。 現在正在石溪大學攻讀電影碩士學位(Killer Films)。她的作品深入探討東西方文化之間的身份認同鬥爭,以及對跨代共享的文化和性別問題的探索。

她的團隊在 2019 年獲得了 2019-20 紐約州立大學 PACC 表演藝術、創作和策展獎的第一名,並獲得了 一萬美元的資助。 她還獲得了台灣大學短片比賽的第二名。

PRODUCER 製片 | Sheng-Ting (Shen) Shen 沈聖婷

Sheng-Ting is a Taiwanese writer, director, and producer based in NYC. with films recognized at international festivals, including "Bad News" and "The Coolest Club." Besides "Miss Mermaid", Sheng-Ting's in-development feature film "Hugo in the Pigpen" has been selected to the 21st Hong Kong Asia Financing Forum – In-Development Project.


PRODUCER 製片| Joumana Rizk

Joumana Rizk is a writer, director and producer completing her MFA in Filmmaking at Stony Brook University/Killer Film. Her award winning short “31” was a finalist at several festivals including New York Shorts International Film Festival and Cyprus International Film Festival. A first-generation immigrant from a Lebanese Italian family with its own version of the tiger mom, Joumana finds deep resonance in Peggy Tseng’s story and its exploration of the culture clashes between mothers and daughters in immigrant families.

她正在石溪大學/Killer Film 就讀電影製作碩士學位。 她的第一部短片《31》入圍紐約短片國際電影節等多個電影節的決賽,並獲得最佳短片競賽女導演獎。她的短片 "Running Water" 及 "Melanie and Melisande" 正在進行後期製作,她的第一部長片預計於 2023 年秋季製作。來自黎巴嫩意大利家庭的第一代移民擁有自己版本的「虎媽」 , Joumana 在《人魚小姐》的故事及其對移民家庭母女文化衝突的探索中找到了深刻的共鳴。

DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY 攝影指導 | Charles Desjardin

Charlie DesJardin is a filmmaker and professional freelancer. He offers Director of Photography work for independent films and media industries, such as Sotheby's Art House in NY and Time Warner Cable. Charlie has BFA in Film/Video, and is also in the process of getting his MFA in Film. Charlie has also won best cinematography in 2015 in the NY 48 hour film project. Charlie is also working on his own independent work.

Charlie DesJardin 是一名電影製作人和自由接案者。他為獨立電影和媒體行業擔任攝影指導,例如 Sotheby's Art House in NY and Time Warner Cable.。他擁有電影/視頻專業的藝術學士學位,並且正在攻讀電影專業的碩士學位。並獲得了 2015 年紐約 48 小時電影項目的最佳攝影獎和許多其他獎項。


Be part of us.

With an initial production fund of $20K successfully raised on Kickstarter, Tseng's team completed the filming in June. They are now actively seeking funding to support the essential post-production stages, including coloring, scoring, and sound design. Seize this opportunity to become a valuable part of this captivating film project!

We accept fiscal sponsorship through The Gotham.